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Powerful Locals Training

We are excited to present the 2024 Powerful Locals conference!

Powerful Locals is a great opportunity for people who want to learn more about the nuts and bolts of union leadership, and we invite you to attend! Whether you are already a leader or are looking to learn more about building your local's power, this training is for you.

It will be held in person, at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, from July 31st to August 2nd.

This year, our core tracks are:

Bargaining For The Win

Get set for success at the bargaining table! This training covers contract bargaining topics, including communicating with the field, strategy at the table, and working with your local membership to have real power. The training emphasizes leader identification and leader development, as well as the combo of communication, fieldwork, and outreach to enable your bargaining team to get the win.

Putting The Pieces Together: Engaging Your Local’s Membership

Your local is a powerful resource, and the more members engage, the stronger it is. This training covers ways to increase membership and member engagement, through tools including the organizing conversation and power-mapping, all the way through assessing results and leader identification – all pieces that make a strong, engaged, powerful local.

The mini-sessions this year are:

  • Our Power Is Our Voice: Political and Legislative Engagement
  • New Employees: Member Drives and Orientation
  • Fiscal Analysis: Knowledge is Power
  • Effective Communications

For more information and to register, click here.

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