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December 2024

December 2024

From the President

Karen Strickland

Happy Holidays AFT Leaders - however you spend this time of year, I wish you all relaxation, rejuvenation, and a good dose of joy! I am looking forward to some time off to enjoy activities I’ve set aside and prepare for the important work we have to do in 2025. With the legislative session, the start of the second Trump administration, and our convention in May we have a lot going on and will be calling on you to get involved with us.

Recently our executive board met to assess where we are and begin to strategically plan for the next six months. Our SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis provided some perspective on what we can build upon and where we can make improvements. Our staff also did a SWOT analysis recently and between the two we can see concrete steps we can take to strengthen our membership, defend our rights at work, defend our centers, schools, and colleges from potential harmful federal policy, and defend our communities. Our effectiveness will depend in part on the engagement of you - our leaders – and our membership.

Our Human Rights Committee held a town hall on Dec. 10th, International Human Rights Day, examining what threats we are likely to face in light of statements made by President-Elect Trump and that are highlighted in Project 2025. We heard from Flor Reyes, a Bilingual Program Specialist at Everett Community College, Fernando Mejia-Ledesma, Director of the Communities for Our Colleges Coalition, and Kent Wong, Faculty member at UCLA with deep roots working with immigrant students. While the threats are real, all three panelists were firm in their commitment to working in coalition to fight for the society we want to live in. This includes playing both defense to protect and offense to build.

We know that the threats to immigrants, the LGBTQIA+ population, education and education workers, and to Labor (among many others) made by President-Elect Trump and the architects of Project 2025 are all part and parcel of the same thing: a diminishment of our power as working people building strong communities and thriving, not merely surviving. We are well positioned to play those defense and offense roles; we invite you to join us in standing up for our rights. Our next step is to host a webinar in January to ensure our members know what role they can play at their workplace to protect the rights of students and the workforce. We will keep you updated on other opportunities.

Another one is coming up quickly. The legislative session offers numerous opportunities for you and your members to make sure our legislators and the governor know that our schools and colleges have critical needs for adequate funding and that it’s past time to shift our tax system to a more fair one. We have improved from the least fair system in the country to the second least fair system…it’s time to jump up a few more places! We can do that with revenue proposals such as those Governor Inslee included in his budget, i.e., a wealth tax. We can win these improvements, but only if we show up and add our voices to the choir of our allies in labor and community organizations.

If you don’t receive our Monday events newsletter or our Legisletter which is all things political, please contact Cortney at so you can be added. I know we are all slammed with email and text messages … it truly is overwhelming and I might even delete more messages than I read (none of yours, of course!), but the information we share is important for you to know and very often is helpful in fulfilling your union role. We face fresh challenges in keeping our members, students, and communities safe, strong, and thriving. We can and we will win them as we win other fights: standing together in solidarity and community.

In solidarity,

Karen Strickland, President

Local Highlights & News

AFT Washington Leaders Appointed to National Committees

By Cortney Marabetta, Communications Specialist

Two AFT Washington leaders have been invited to participate in AFT National campaigns, bringing their valuable perspectives and expertise to National’s work.

Melissa Roach, First Vice President of the Tacoma Federation of Education Support Professionals, Local 461, has been invited to serve on the Paraprofessionals and School-Related Personnel (PSRP) Program and Policy Council. Melissa is a Peer Inclusion Preschool paraeducator in her 10th year with Tacoma Public Schools. Among its other work, the PSRP PPC has the backing of AFT National in the form of the PSRP Bill of Rights Resolution that was passed at the convention this summer; this meshes well with Melissa’s interest in being part of a community that actively seeks to improve working conditions for all people. She notes that her involvement in her local and the state fed increased in 2020 as a response to Tacoma School District’s COVD-related layoffs and the displacements that happened as well.

The AFT's Real Solutions For Higher Education campaign has invited Jacqui Cain, Vice President for Contingent Faculty and member of Pierce Federation of Teachers, Local 4621, to serve as a member. One of RSHE’s task forces is focused on ending contingency and improving job security, both big priorities for AFT Washington and the Contingent Faculty Issues Committee (CFIC). The task force is focusing on developing resources to help contingent faculty achieve real job security and tell the story of the academic staffing crisis to the public. It’s a sign of the great work CFIC has been doing in the state that a report on AFT Washington’s legislation to convert part-time positions into full-time tenure-track positions is already included in the campaign toolkit.  

We are pleased that both leaders are bringing their voices and perspectives to a larger audience, and look forward to seeing the ways in which they can share their skill and knowledge with the broader National community. Congratulations to Melissa and Jacqui!

Legislative Session Is Starting!

By Cortney Marabetta, Communications Specialist

January 13th is the first day of the legislative session, and we are already off to a strong start! Members have met with legislators all summer and fall, including several visits to PreK-12 schools to learn more about our SRP members’ jobs and need for legislator support for better pay and staffing. Governor Inslee’s proposed budget was released this week; Governor-Elect Bob Ferguson is expected to largely support his proposals. We know from it that there is more support for meeting our members’ needs than we expected, given the revenue deficit, but less than we wanted, so we know that there’s work to be done.

That means you’re invited to Lobby Day, and so are your members! Lobby Day is happening on February 17th, President’s Day, and registration is available here.

In addition, we are joining with Communities For Our Colleges’ (C4C) Lobby Day on January 20th, Martin Luther King Jr Day. We are also joining with WEA and our RESPECT campaign coalition partners to hold another reception for SRP members and legislators; that event will be on January 29th. If you or any members of your local are interested in attending C4C’s lobby day or the SRP reception, contact Richard Burton directly at

The 85th Biennial Convention of AFT Washington

By Cortney Marabetta, Communications Specialist

Mark your calendars now! On May 17th and 18th, we will convene in Tacoma at the Murano Hotel for the 85th Biennial Convention! More details are coming soon, but while we finalize those, several items are ready for your consideration.

Nominations for the AFT Washington Executive Board

The AFT Washington Executive Board nomination forms are now live! You must receive nominations from 10 members in good standing and specify the role you are seeking; the people nominating you can sign a paper form you can download here or a digital form linked here, whichever is more convenient. Nominations are due to the AFT Washington office by Saturday, April 26th.


Now is the time to think about resolutions you would like to bring forward to the convention. Resolutions guide our work for the two years following the convention and provide a framework for goals we would like to achieve as a federation. Resolutions can be in support of a constituency, such as the 2023 resolutions supporting retirees, school-related personnel, or contingent faculty, or for the full state federation, as with 2023’s resolution calling for better relationships with Washington’s native tribes. There are also many options in between! If you have questions about whether your idea is suitable for a resolution, talk to your UOR! They can help you turn your idea into a strong resolution that will guide our work.

You can view the 2023 Resolutions here. Resolutions for 2025 are due to the AFT Washington office by Saturday, April 26th.

Board Awards

AFT Washington recognizes the important work members do for our locals, our communities, and the labor movement. It is the strength, dedication, and commitment by each one of us toward creating better working conditions and communities that makes us collectively powerful.

To this end, the annual AFT Washington Executive Board’s Awards are an opportunity for leaders, members, and staff to honor this work by nominating peers who exemplify the various award categories. Established awards honor individuals, locals, and other groups; you can see more information about them here. Please note that this brochure is from the 2023 convention, and there will be several changes made, but the purpose of the awards will not change. Nominations for the Board Awards are due to the AFT Washington office by Monday, March 31st.

International Human Rights Day Town Hall Materials

By Cortney Marabetta, Communications Specialist

At the International Human Rights Day Town Hall, held on December 10th, we shared materials with attendees that address concerns such as the incoming administration’s statement that it intends to carry out the largest deportation in American history. We strongly encourage local leaders to examine these documents; whether such threats come to pass, it is useful to know the ways that we are able to respond to threats to our students and our members.

AFT Washington President Named to Governor-Elect Ferguson’s Transition Team

By Cortney Marabetta, Communications Specialist

AFT Washington President Karen Strickland has been invited to serve on two of Governor-Elect Ferguson’s Transition Team subcommittees, Higher Ed & Workforce Development, and Strong Schools and Healthy Meals. In addition, she is joining the Workforce Board Industry Advisory Council as a Labor member. We are excited to see the ways members’ needs and concerns can be included at a more foundational level in the state’s incoming administration and existing infrastructure!


Union Tips & Reminders

Worksite Representative Training

Tuesday, January 21st, 5:00 - 7:00 PM

Whether you are called a union steward, building rep, officer, executive board member, we all want to do our best to represent our members. During this training you will learn the importance of engaging our membership, building our power inside and outside of the worksite, and enforcing our contract.

Register here.

Contract Enforcement & Grievance Training

Wednesday, January 29th, 5:00 - 7:00 PM

Our Collective Bargaining Agreements are one of the cornerstones of having a powerful local. A contract that is enforced makes a big difference in how our union and our members are treated in the workplace. This training will cover the ins and outs of filing grievances, unfair labor practices, duties of union leaders, and how we make sure that management does what the contract says they will do. Please plan on attending the entirety of the training and have your local’s contract available for reference.

Register here.

Registration Is Open For Lobby Day 2025!

February 17th, 2025

It's time to go to Olympia and lobby legislators on our key priorities for the 2025 session! Our priorities include:

  • Pressing to resolve the crisis in staffing, safety, and inadequate salaries for preK-12 School Related Personnel.
  • Working for substantial salary improvements for contingent faculty.
  • Seeking pay increases for professional non-exempt staff in our colleges.
  • Expanding eligibility for benefits to include non-instructional work done by contingent faculty.
  • Working with Communities for our Colleges, pressing to make two-year colleges free for our students and creating pathways to work for undocumented college students.
  • Working for increased progressive revenue.

We will join with colleagues, meet with legislators, and push for progressive change. Light breakfast and lunch will be provided, and transportation will be coordinated.

If this is your first time going to Lobby Day, or you’d like a refresher, you will receive information about optional “meet your legislator” trainings in your confirmation email.

Register here.

The AFT Washington Retiree Chapter Needs You!

At the 2023 AFT Washington convention, delegates unanimously adopted Resolution 2023-04, “Organized Retirees For Action”. The AFT Washington Retiree Chapter, local 8045R, has been working on developing a strategic plan and establishing an organizing team to carry out the goals established in the resolution. This is where you come in!

The Retiree Chapter is calling on local leaders to do two things to support this resolution.

  1. Appoint a retiree from your local to serve as a representative and advisor to the Retiree Chapter.
  2. Work with AFT Washington and AFT National to grant authorization to move identified retired members in your local’s Connect database account to the Retiree Chapter’s Connect account.

A flyer about this is available here. An organized retiree chapter is a powerful force, but it’s too easy to lose track of our retired members. Help us grow the chapter and build our retiree power!

If you have questions about the project, please contact Richard Burton at or at 206-225-0621.

Human Rights Committee Seeks Members

The AFT Washington Human Rights Committee is sincerely committed to our mission statement of advocating for human rights in our workplaces and our community. We are continuing to work with our locals and allies to combat racism, foster community, and educate our members and communities on the importance of Human Rights. The AFT Washington Human Rights Committee needs your expertise, experience, and investment in upholding Human Rights to do this! We want to have a representative committee that includes all the constituencies within AFT Washington, but to do that we need your participation. You are invited to join the Human Rights Committee as an advocate for the Human Rights issues that are important to our members. To join the Human Rights Committee, contact Ray Carrillo, 206-369-4001,

AFT Connect: Better Data For A Stronger Union

Connect is AFT’s web-based, secure local data management system. It provides a great way to record individual member data, and so much more!

  • Capture detailed employment and employer information about members, prospective members, and retired members of your local. 
  • Make sure your members can access their union-provided benefits (discounted insurance, home mortgages, travel, goods, and personal services). 
  • Keep track of changes in member earnings to ensure proper payment of your local’s per capita obligations. 
  • Manage your local executive board as well as COPE and other local committees. 
  • Plan outreach to your members and prospects. Have the information you need to conduct mailings, email, phone, and text message outreach via local efforts or using AFT’s communications tools. Record member event attendance and outreach responses. 
  • Create forms and surveys. 
  • Track your local’s engagement with and support from Community Allies.

Readily use these features and more through AFT Connect’s dashboard, upload bulk spreadsheet updates of your membership, or let Connect help your local turn data into a powerful outreach and management tool through easy, customizable reports.

Maintaining your local’s membership and leadership information in Connect meets AFT and AFT Washington requirements for your local to remain in good standing.

To get started with AFT Connect, or to request training and other member data support, contact Briseida Sanchez at

Communications Help Is Available

Is your local not sure how to best use your website? Did you know you can have a free website? Would you like help with figuring out strategies for better communications outreach? Got something for the whole union to hear about? We can help with all of these, and more!

On top of helping your local, we can provide outreach to the union as a whole, through the Pulse and the Union Spotlight. We are actively interested in anything your members are doing, such as workshops  or innovative problem solving.

If you have questions about them, want guidance, or are interested in learning more, please contact Cortney Marabetta at

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