Here we are, starting another school year in the context of COVID. Who thought we would still be at the bargaining table negotiating working conditions impacted by the pandemic? Many of you have started your second year of in-person work, while others continue to work mostly remotely. The challenge of meeting workers’ needs while also providing quality education, healthy buildings, and adequate support services is real, even while it looks different in different settings. As I wrote early in the pandemic, the weaknesses in our systems – the digital grand canyon, food insecurity, staff shortages, lack of respect on the job, unaffordable childcare and healthcare – are still illuminated, and some efforts have been made to address them. The digital grand canyon was narrowed and meals at school were available to all. Many of our locals fought for and won meaningful raises – most recently, AFT Kent had a 95% strike authorization vote, resulting in more competitive wages without actually striking!