The new year is right around the corner, offering the opportunity to reflect on the last year. Given that we’re approaching the two-year mark of the COVID pandemic, I’m finding myself reflecting on the last two years and experiencing an array of feelings ranging from fatigue to inspiration, worry to optimism. I suspect I’m not alone in that. Together, the leaders, members and staff of AFT Washington have navigated remarkable challenges and seized opportunities, both expected and unexpected. Think back to March 13th, 2020, when we learned that schools and colleges were shutting down, restaurants closed their doors, and we suddenly cut off most social interactions. Over the course of the following months, we adapted to the circumstances of the moment, then shifted gears to adapt to new circumstances, and then shifted again, and again, and again. Some number of locals were in bargaining nonstop, including regular contract bargaining, impacts of closure and mandated vaccine bargaining, nurse educator and high demand faculty bargaining and other subjects. Legislation, proclamations, and an unpredictable economy made for a Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride experience. These were challenges that we collectively turned into opportunities to mobilize our members, forge cross-union alliances, and improve wages and working conditions.